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gitee: Install Stata package in Gitee
installpkg: Stata Window Menu for installing package
xtplfc: Stata module to estimate partially linear functional-coefficient panel data models
dflp: Estimating input/output/directional distance using LP techniques
mepi: Malmquist Energy Productivity Index in Stata
gftpch: Total Factor Productivity with Undesirable Outputs in Stata
malmq2: Malmquist Productivity index in Stata
sbmeff: Slacks-based Measure of Efficiency in Stata
ddfeff: Directional Distance Function for Efficiency/Productivity Analysis in Stata
reshape3: Stata module to enhance reshape for multilevel data [ssc install reshape3]
LMDI: Stata module to compute Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Decomposition [ssc install lmdi]
LABONE: Stata module to label variables after import excel [ssc install labone]
TRANSLOG: Stata module to create new variables for a translog function [ssc install translog]
Some Stata commands on DEA models for energy and environmental efficiency evaluation
PSFA2010: Matlab module for Estimating Fixed-Effect Panel Stochastic Frontier Models by Model Transformation
PSECTA: Stata module for econometric convergent test and club clustering
[findit psecta]
致谢:以上工作得到国家自科基金项目(批准号: 72074184 ; 71603148)的资助。
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